2.1 Topics Covered
- Load a spatial layer from a range of formats
- Convert between spatial formats
- Create a point layer from coordinates in a table
- Create a grid layer
- Become familiar with the table options
- Use the Calculator Tool to create new variables
- Variable standardization
- Merging tables
- Use the Selection Tool to select observations in a table
- Use a selection shape to select observations in a map
- File > Open
- File > Save
- File > Save As
- Tools > Shape > Points from Table
- Tools > Shape > Create Grid
- Table > Edit Variable Properties
- Table > Add Variable
- Table > Delete Variable(s)
- Table > Rename Variable
- Table > Encode
- Table > Setup Number Formatting
- Table > Move Selected to Top
- Table > Calculator
- Table > Selection Tool
- File > Save Selected As
- Map > Unique Values Map
- Map > Selection Shape
- Map > Save Selection

Figure 2.1: Open | Close | Save | Table | Tools