13.1 Topics Covered
- Understand spatial randomness
- Appreciate the difference between positive and negative spatial autocorrelation
- Understand the structure of a spatial autocorrelation statistic
- Moran’s I
- Visualize Moran’s I by means of the Moran scatter plot
- Carry out inference using the permutation approach
- Make analyses reproducible using the random seed setting
- Nonlinear LOWESS smooth of the Moran scatter plot
- Brush Moran scatter plot to assess regional Moran’s I
- Appreciate the difference between dynamic weights and static weights in Moran scatter plot regime regression
- Table > Calculator
- Univariate > Shuffle
- Space > Univariate Moran’s I
- permutation inference
- setting the random seed
- LOWESS smoother of the Moran scatter plot
- brushing the Moran scatter plot
- save results (standardized value and spatial lag)

Figure 13.1: Moran Scatter Plot | Spatial Correlogram | Cluster Maps