6.1 Topics Covered
- Understand the principles behind K-means clustering
- Know the requirements to carry out K-means clustering
- Combine dimension reduction and cluster analysis
- Interpret the characteristics of a cluster analysis
- Assess the spatial representation of the clusters
- Carry out a sensitivity analysis to various parameters
- Impose a bound on the clustering solutions
- Use an elbow plot to pick the best \(k\)
- Use the cluster categories as a variable
- Clusters > K Means
- select variables
- select K-means starting algorithms
- select standardization methods
- K-means characteristics
- mapping the clusters
- changing the cluster labels
- saving the cluster classification
- setting a minimum bound
- Explore > Conditional Plot > Box Plot
- Table > Aggregate
- Tools > Dissolve

Figure 6.1: Clusters > K Means | K Medians | K Medoids | Spectral | Hierarchical